Sunday, April 25, 2010

Father-Son bonding?

Last night after dinner we went out to visit one of the parks located near our hotel. It was another experience because you actually go under the street through a passage to the other side where the hotel is located. Unfortunately, Nate is unable to distinguish between running in the park and running along the sidewalk where that crazy driving happens. We had a very nice time in the park, tossed our Nerf ball around a little bit and then headed back to the hotel. THAT was an ordeal in itself. He was on overdrive from a short nap and all the excitement in the park. He was squirming and screaming to beat the band! We did manage to pick up 2 "Polo" shirts for him @$5 apiece. I think they are referred to as Polo Fashion and the embroidered player looks like he's riding a camel!

Scrub-a-dub after an afternoon in the park!

This morning was low key w/breakfast and a father/son trip to the park w/another dad and his son. It started off REALLY rough because Nate is mama's boy all the way. He doesn't like being away from her and he is still leery about being w/me. It was a good time for me to pick the brain of another "experienced" dad. Rick is 48 and he and his wife have three biological children, the youngest is 16. He's a good ol' boy from Georgia and he had some good advice to offer this "dad in training". His son Brookes rode in a stroller and was as quiet as could be. Nathaniel made up for both and about 200 other children! Once we made it to the park, though, he must have figured out that things were going to be OK w/o Mama. He is obsessive/compulsive to the point of picking leaves and things off the sidewalk and throwing them off to the side. Let me repeat, ALL leaves off the sidewalk! Needless to say, that walk took a while, but Rick was really good about it. We sat down for a bit and Nate and Brookes took to cleaning the leaves off the sidewalk and throwing them in a nearby lake.
"Yeah, well you wouldn't believe what MY dad did!"
We started to pick up some rain and Rick was nice enough to share an additional umbrella he and his wife had purchased here in town. The rain didn't appear to want to let up so we headed back to the hotel, complete w/a brief tumble down the stairs of the underpass as dad tried to juggle the umbrella, backpack, and holding Nate's hand :-(
Mama was so glad to see her little boy when we got back, and Rick showed us a really nice play area actually in the hotel on the fourth floor.

Let me show you how to do this Ol' Man!

We had lunch from Starbucks and Denise got Nate cleaned up from our walk. This afternoon we head back to the clinic to have his TB results and checkout the surrounding area!
Laundry returned from our guides source outside the hotel. They know how to do it!

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