Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mother's perspective

Tonight is my turn to share with you all.  I was talking to another mother and I told her it is like I have been watching an exciting horse race all my life.  I was lucky to take a ride for a day or perhaps an afternoon, but I always had to go back as a spectator and wish to ride.  Now I feel the wind and the thrill of the race of motherhood.  Unfortunately, sometimes my little ride stops dead in his tracks and throws me off and other times he gallops to a happy tune feeling more secure  We are learning as we go and trying to communicate the best we can focusing on non-verbal and lots of love. It is the ride of a lifetime and it is so comforting to know I never have to be lonely again waiting for my turn on the track.  My son has filled a void in me that I didn't know existed and I'm in awe.  I praise God everyday for this little bundle of energy. As I am typing this now, he is covering his father up as Troy is trying to sleep. Everyday we get closer through our struggles and precious time together.  I can't wait to take him home to a cleaner environment and surround him with our family and friends.  He is perfect and worth the wait. Thank you to everyone for your loving comments and texts.  They keep me going and mean more than you will ever know.  China is not my cup of tea (no pun intended), but I get up each morning and offer it up to God.  He is carrying our family through and blesses us with small gifts- a clean squatting potty, a smile of a stranger, french toast, fresh pineapple at breakfast, kiss from Nathan, bottle water from the hotel every morning, or our guide letting us know our paperwork is correct.  We will be home soon so watch out everyone- Nathan is going to light up your life!

P.S. An aside from Troy: We are experiencing MAJOR internet issues here in the hotel. I was having no more luck w/the free wi-fi in the lobby, so Denise thought she would be nice and pay the 100 yuan/day charge for hi-speed in our room. I am having more trouble now, connecting, staying connected, and trying to access our blog than ever. So hang in there, if you don't hear from us. God is good and he has gotten us this far, He'll get us the rest of the way! It just stinks that this is our only form of communication!


  1. Denise--I can so relate to your horse race analogy! I am so very happy that you no longer have to spectate! I know motherhood is as natural to you as I know it would be for me and you will be phenomenal at it! You are so deserving and God is great. I will continue to live vicariously through you--thanks for letting us in. Have a safe trip home!

  2. Denise... You gave me goosebumps and happy tears. I'm so happy for your completed family...can't wait until you get home sweet home. My continued prayers are with you all.

  3. Chuck and I are so excited for you both! What an exciting time in your life and what a great addition to your family. Nate is one lucky boy to have such great, loving parents.

  4. Reading these updates make me feel all is right with the world. I'm so happy for you!

  5. So happy to hear your joys and struggles of becoming a new mother. They are both a part of motherhood and so worth it. I always knew you were meant to be a mother. Iam so glad it has finally become a reality for you
